Welcome to My Ever-Growing Pile of Projects

This is less of a portfolio and more of an archaeological dig. A chronologically arranged museum of things I’ve made, half-made, or abandoned in a flurry of excitement before getting distracted by the next idea.

Some of these projects are polished, some are barely functional, and a few exist solely as a stubborn refusal to let an idea die. Consider this gallery a diaryβ€”one filled with pixelated cars, recursive tangents, and the occasional questionable design choice. It’s mostly for me, but if you happen to find something interesting, well, that’s a happy accident.

-> Bonvesta: Economy to the Max!
-> Gallows Fellows: Good Design, Despite.
-> Metaleros: Hard Hittin' Graphics!
-> Mooisnuut: Fix Your Face-to-the-Crowd!
-> Concept-Art: Half-Baked, Fully Inspired.
-> The Rest: Perfectly Flawed, Happily Forgotten.

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